Past 10. March until 18. April 21
HERSTORY. Wie wir wurden, was wir sind.
70 Jahre GEDOK Reutlingen
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the GEDOK Reutlingen, the exhibition Herstory. Wie wir wurden, was wir sind opens on 10 March 2021 at Kunstverein Reutlingen. The GEDOK is the oldest and largest network for female artists in Europe. In addition to many new exhibits by Reutlingen artists and guests, the founder of the Reutlingen local group, Leni Matthaei, will also be commemorated.
Exhibition view HERSTORY. Wie wir wurden, was wir sind. 70 Jahre GEDOK Reutlingen, 10.03.–18.04.2021, courtesy: the artists, © Kunstverein Reutlingen, photo: Ralph Koch
Uta Albeck, Buket Aslantepe, Margret Berger, Petra Blum-Jelinek, Maria Brunner-Heber, Gisella Codara, Heidi Degenhardt, Ellen Eckel, Kathrin Fastnacht, Ulla Frenger, Eva Funk-Schwarzenauer, Sybille Groh, Birgit Hartstein, Gudrun Heller-Hoffmann, Ulrike Holzapfel, Doris Knapp, Helga Koch, Barbara Kollross, Randi Kvanka, Margarete List, Sigrid Lokowandt, Lissi Maier-Rapaport, Elke Mauz, Helga Mayer, Xenia Muscat, Kristina Negele-Holder, Tanja Niederfeld, Ingrid von Normann, Jutta Peikert, Renate Quast, Inge Rau, Susanne Reusch-Schweitzer, Susanne Reusch, Elke Roth, Monika Schuh-Wibmer, Margot Spuhler, Gerburg Stein, Jolanta Switajski, Ingrid Swoboda, Mehlika Tanriverdi, Jacqueline Wanner, Antje Weiß, Roswitha Zeeb, Christine Ziegler
The exhibition ist supported by: